Look at the pictures and comlete the sentences
with the correct from the parentheses :
This shop mostly sellk milk, butter and other ( cow, coward, dairy, airing) products. The woman on the left is taking some cream out of a (cold maker, frighten, fringe, refrigenator). The shop also sells cakes and fresh bread with a golden-brown (clay, cover, crust, skin). The woman on the right is preparing a cake. It is divided into two
(lawyers, layers, lays, liars). The woman sprinkling (bloks, flakes, slices, tablets) of chocolate on one of them.
This man is going to eat some (saucers, sauses, sausages, scissors) and a (leaf, plant, sailed, salad). On top of it there are some (potato, tobacco, tomato, traitor) slices, which are nice and (damp, juicy, waterfall, wet). The man also has some bread with some meat (glue, mud, paste, press) spread on it. He is (chewing, crushing, pressing, squeezing) a piece right now.
These student are at a cooking lesson. The boy on the left is cutting a big joint of meat, and the girl beside him is
(chopping, corrupting, shopping, smacking) vegetables up. The boy at the end of the table is (squeezing, pushing,
scratching, tightening) some fruit to get the juice out, and the girl on the righ is
(gracing, greasing, watering, wetting) a grill with (fate, feet, lard, lord), because she wants to cook some meat over a (character, charcoal, chariot, coil) fire.
This waiter is going to pull the (cake, cap, cork, top) out of a bottle of wine with a (cake screw, cap screw, corkscrew, top screw). The bottlen has a white
(label, labourel, name, newspaper) on it. On the raigt there are two (saucers, sauces, sources, surfaces) on a (boar, shelf, table, tray), and on the left there is a (banggage, pack, packed, pocket) of nuts which the waiter is going to put on them.
This girl is making her face up. She is putting on her (face, stick, lipstick, mouth pencil, muoth stick) at the moment. Her (eyebrows, eye bruise, eye covers, eyelids) are thim and dark, and she has painted her (eyebrows, eye bruise, eye covers, eyelids) dark. Her mirror is on the door of a small (bookcase, cabin, cage, cabinet), one of whose (bends, fingers, hangs, hinges) is broken. The girl’s sister is standing in the (doorway, entry, gate, window) looking at her.
Those pople are tourists. They are doing some (look, seeing, sight, sightseeing). They are at the top of a wide
(downstairs, stairs, staircase, step), looking down on the (position, site, situation, state) of a temple that was here 2000 years ago. It lies (aimed, amid, middle, mild) the ruins of an ancient city, and you can still see a few
(break, fragmants, painting, slices) of the original pillars. One of them is leaning
(aside, away, back, sideways).
This is an old (call mine, charcoal mine, coal hole, coalmine). There is a deep, vertical (shaft, tunnel, turning, way) below the wheelhouse on the left and a horizontal tunnel, or (gallery, highway, path, street), on the right. You can see the wooden (building, design, flame, framework) inside, but part of it has
(clasped, collapsed, sat down, set down).
This is an (in building, indoor, in room, outdoor) swimming pool. The sun is (gleaming, glimpsing, grieving, grinning) through the windows on the surface of the water (beams, pieces, stripes, strips) of light are also shining down from lamps above the water. Some sall boys are (daring, darting, dating, dreading) about in the background, and a girl is (deepening, drifting, droupping, plunging) into the pool. Two men are exchanging a frendly (grip, handshake, armshake, shake hand).
This place is a (warehouse, story, stroekeeper, content store). Some men are (undergoing, underlining, unfolding, unloading) a large (banggage, container, luggage, suitcase). They are taking (bags, packets, packing cases,pockets) out of it. The potsman has brought a big (board, cardboard, car board, charcoal) box with a lot of (males, postage stamps, postmasters, post stamps) on it.
Look at the pictures and comlete the sentences
with the correct from the parentheses :
This man is buying a ticket at an (airline, airmail, errand line, err line) office. He is writing a (cheque, paper, chick, shock) to pay for it. There is a flight (table, list, time note, schedule) on the wall behind the desk, with the
(head, heading, heating, top) ‘WESTERN AIR’. A man is coming into the offise (around, background, backwards, blackboard), pulling his baggage behind him, and another man is (fooling, packing, striding, striping) along the road outside.
This man is sitting at his (tip writer, trip writer, typewriter, typist) and looking at a (pack, pad, paid, pat) of paper on which some words are written in neat (hand right, handshake, handwriting, pen writing). In each word, the (layer, letter, sentenses, syllabe) with the main stress is (draw under, lined, lined, under, underlined). There is a (cross, drop, horizontal, vertical) line down the sheet of paper, to the left of the words.
These students are studying various shapes. On the left there is a (fibre, space, sparrow, sphere) whose ( cross, inside, line, radius) is ten centimetris. Next to is a (circle, cylinder, royal, rural). Next comes a triangle and on the right there is a (cube, rectangle, right angle,
squer). This is a four-sided shape whose opposite sides are (paradise, paragraph,parallel, partial).
This land is very green, because it has a hiqh (falling, rainfall, raining, soaking). It is a (trifling, tropical, truthful, typical) country. The palm trees are (rolling, straying, sustaining, swaying) in the wind, and you can hear the dry grass (loosening, rushing, rusting, rustling). Coming along the road is a cart pulled by two (axes, cows, oven, oxen). They are (ached, pulled, yawned, yoked) together. The cart is carrying some grass that has been (bandaget, banished, banked, bound) with string.
Can you see those (exceptions, execution, exhibilitions, explotions) in the (background, backward, back wards, back way) of this picture? Some bombs are (exhibiting, exploding, exploring, exposing), and the people in the (forward, rear part, foreground, front) are (fleeing, flooding, feeling, frying) for their lives. They have had a bad (fear, flight, fright, frighten). We can see them in the (clear, glare, gloom, great) of a big fire.
This man is looking through a (lighthouse, magnet, microscope, spectales, view) which (lenses, sights, spectacles, view) which (magnificent, magnify, majesty, morality) things greatly, so that one can see very small things clearly. On the left there is a big (linghthous, magnet, microscope, telescope) for looking at the stars, and on the right a map with (in lines, outlines, plains, plans) of the countries of the word. The line across the middle is the (equality, equator, eraser, explorer). The thing on the desk under the map is a (lighthouse, magnet, microscope, telescope). It attracts metal.
The man on the left is sharpening his pencil because it was (blunt, flat, thick, wide). At this end of his desk you can see some new (newspaper, notepaper, notice paper, not paper). It came from the (pressure, prince, printer, type) just now. It has (crossed, crossing, horizontal, vertical) lines above and below the adress. The man on the rigth was just going to add his (familly, sign, signature, signing) to the paper in fron him , but there is an ink (blot, dirt, dot, soak) on it, and he will have to get it typed all over again.
These students are in the school laboratory, physics room, literatur, litelatery). They are studying (chemistry, geography, history, physics). some of them want to go to college to become (chemicals, chemists, media, memorials). At the front of the room, there is a (plate, pledge, scream, screen) on the wall. The teacher is showing the students a (sign, devise, diagram, film) of a (crisis, crystal, cylinder, sphere).
These boys are playing (baseboll, basketball, cricket, tennis) outside a (house school, school cottage, school home, school). One boy is (fleeing, flinging, projecting, hushing) the ball. There are a few (customers, spectators, waiters, watchman) on the left, and two girl’s are (hoping, hopping, skipping, springing) on the raght. Another girl is (cracking, flattering, sacking, slapping) her brother because he pulled her hair.